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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Beyond Beyond » 真的見證演唱會 » Myth

歌 手: Beyond (Beyond)

歌 曲: Myth (專 輯:真的見證演唱會)

上傳會員: 長谷川.健太

日 期: 1999 - 5

歌 詞
曲:黃家駒/陳時安 | 詞:陳時安 | 編:  
It was a story told for years
When a young girl dwelled this land
With eyes shone like the star
And a smile that charmed both heaven and earth
The moonwas ashamed when next to her
And the flowers bowed their heads
Her songs could tame the beasts
Her hands could wave all sorrows away
Chours: Yet that Fate was envy 'bout this girl'
And a plot was planned to lay her down
To a pasture she was led
Where the grass was always green
Inthe midst of this wonderland
Stood the plant that'd bring her permanent end
The plant of death was in her eyes
Sending its fragrant through the air
Laughter form below was heard
With a touch the task was done
Like an arrow it speared her heart
Like venom it killed her light
An her body slowly dropped
Stopped the singing from around
Her soul left without a sound
The god of love was deeply hurt
When the tragedy was known
It cut right into his heart
With tears and pain he flew to her
To end this sorrow he drawn his sword
How red the blood that sprayed around
As the thorns grew around it stem
And the petals stained in red
Turned the plant into a rose  

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